Flanagan Consulting - Fighting CAL OSHA Citations
We specialize in assisting companies through the OSHA Appeal process. We do the work for you a get your fines reduced or eliminated.
#heatstroke #HeatStressPrevention #CalOSHA
#heatstroke #heatstress #HeatStressPrevention
California says ICE detainees have labor rights. They earn $1 a day scrubbing bathrooms
State regulators say immigrants who work in private detention facilities are employees. The company disagrees.
#heatstroke #heatstress
6 farmworkers fired amid hot temps, multiple California state agencies now investigating retaliation
"It's better to lose a day of work or out of work than losing your life."
Are You Ready for California’s New Workplace Violence Prevention Regulation?
California’s Senate Bill 553 requires nearly all California employers to create, adopt, and implement written workplace violence prevention plans.